Saturday, May 2, 2009

I was in early tonight but now I can't sleep my allergies are killing me. Lately I have been ok though but last two days forget it. I think it is time to watch some porn at 4:09 in the AM.

I was just about to say:
Current Crush: No one that is not in the porn game but I may have just fallen in love with a woman I seen on and she wears orange glasses and has perfect lips. 1 or two ladies on my myspace page, I am definitely fans of as well.

Things I love: 1) Texting vs calling either or most cases but textin is mostly easier. 2) goin to the movies, well actually to the theater that is. I know everyone out there is trying to bootleg this and that but some movies you just have to see live and on the big screen. I am also a huge fan of foreign movies and Indies and those are much harder to find on the bootleg scene. 3) Spinach, yeah I love it well at least on my pizza. I don't eat a ton of veggies but I do try to eat this. 4) Women, yes I love women. The way they smell (Except for the chicks that wear like the $1.00 perfume with maybe baby powder smell, shit smell horrible. I mean strippers don't even smell that bad. Stop being cheap buy some real perfume), the way they show off that cleavage every now and then, The sexy accents some different women have. I don't see nothing wrong, WITH A LITTLE BUMP AND GRIND. 5) I really have not been to clubs all that much but it was nice to be in the spots in Las Vegas. Didn't get on my grinding as much as normal though but its all good. 6) Randomness: I really like something that really surprises me as being so random. You know like if you read someone's myspace page and it catches you off guard with a feeling like wow I am intrigued, slightly aroused and still almost afraid or confused about this person after reading their profile. 7) Music: I love almost all kinds of music, well no opera unless maybe the song from hitman Avi Maria. Hip Hop is pretty weak right now but that is what Ipods are for you listen to the old school music you grew up on and love. I think It is really so cool sometimes when you see some young bucks on the train listening to their IPODS talking about oh I like that Poison shit from BBD and that Just got paid is the joint. That is cool cause these songs came out before these kids were even born and they are embrassing it because it is new to them and they are looking to the past for good music. VERY SMART YOUNG PEOPLE, VERY SMART. 8) Nerds and geeks: I think it is cool that the nerdy look is sort of seen as cool now. I was so confused in Junior High because I was such a slasher/ tweener. I was way too cool for the complete nerds but not too popular for the jocks or the really POPULAR pack and not crazy enough for the GOTHS then not ghetto enough for the Drug runners or wanna be gang members. It was confusing. I had friends in all these groups but I guess when it came to what group was I truely in it was the nerd group but like I said I went to alot of parties and stuff and messed with alot of ladies so maybe I broke the NERD COLOR barrier. I changed the way some of these girls looked at Nerds. 9) Sports: Like sports alot, love basketball watching NBA and playing especially when I get to block someone shot on defense and tell them to come stronger next time. I loved wrestling as a young buck. It is still entertainment but not the same as when I was a kid. The business has completely changed. 10) I love being me too. Just how cool I am and how Versatile I really just am.

1 comment:

MorTiSha AnaCarNa said...

holy toledo i have a lot of catching up 2 do .. =/