Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Weirdest Celebrity sightings you've had while hanging out

have actually met alot of Celebrities out and about in New York. The weirdest would probably be seeing Uma Thurman at a 4PM or so showing of Kill Bill Vol. 1 on the first day it came out on 42nd AMC. It was just odd to me that she goes there first day with Ethan Hawke (btw). Maybe just to see crowd reaction. Surprisingly enough alot of people did not even recognize her or go up to her. To make it even more weird my friend that I went with actually knew her. He knew her from years and years ago, before she was famous, yeah so at least I got to talk to her really quickly before the movie started. My other first thought was did she really actually pay admission just to see herself on the screen (lol).

% also loved meeting Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls. She actually was going to give me a hug but I just didn't feel like moving, getting out of my seat. There was a guy behind me that pretty much climbed over me just to touch her. She is fucking hot but I was just lazy or tired I guess.

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