Sunday, November 30, 2008

Unleashes powerful evil

Oh man, so I was supposed to go out tonight. This club called BLVD in the city (Bowery area) but I was being a bitch I mean I do have to go to work on sunday but I mean it is 1:37 Am and I am still wide awake. I would've been in a less cheery mood taking public transportation at this hour and there is no express bus from manhattan at this time clearly. I would've enjoyed the free drinks and the spot and the company but I was just chillin : Watched Oregon State get raped by almost 30 points tonight, enjoyed the Knicks game I mean they score 138 points and watched this movie called " Mother of Tears" it was not very good but I sort of wanted to see it since it came out in 07. It stars Asia Argento, a decent looking woman that seems to always be naked in her movies. I can't really recommend it but I guess if you really can't think of anything else to see, be my guest.

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