Thursday, September 20, 2012


SO YEAH it was that time of year. I know once I see september on the calendar I think oh it is the BIRTHDAY MONTH. I had a good day, it was the 13th. I got the chill a bit after work. Headed to a nice spot around 46th street for some Wings (Wangz) in the city and some beer. 30 wings split by 3 people, I thought it could be done. We also got to see Jay Cutler play like the little bitch he is and throw 4 ints and only one touchdown. The BEARS got smoked by GREEN BAY. cOOL niGHT, did not go all out and get sushi or whatever or blackout drunk but it was fun. update 2013-I got home like 4:50 but it was worth it, so much ass grabbing and grinding, black-spanish whatever one chick was saying some shit like she was not happy she was inthe club and they ain't playing Bandz a make her dance, so when they did I just got behind her and she went to work, lol

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