Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jersey Shore Terminology


DTF- everyone should know that means down to fuck, I mean most guys do think this but never actually say this out loud to others in public or whatever.

Creeping- When a guy hits on a girl while at the bar, often when both the guy and the girl have been drinking heavily. In the 90's we had macking, now we have creeping.

Smush- Having sex, making love or, um, courting aggressively. You can also call it pounding.

Grenade- : An unattractive girl who must be distracted in order to creep on her friend. Usually she's heavy. It helps when there is a wingman to jump on that grenade.

Hippo: A large, unattractive girl who, by definition, is a grenade. Also sometimes called an elephant or a zoo creature.

Robbery: When you steal another guido's girl from him. For example, when Vinny was making out with a girl and steps away to go to the bathroom, The Situation commits a robbery and starts making out with her. Sloppy
seconds, anyone?

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