Thursday, July 23, 2009

In most cases do guys really prefer girls that wear thongs or regular panties. I kinda like a girl with the thong but sometimes I get disappointed that there is nothing left to the imagination. I can sort of see myself seeing the girl from behind(in the naked sense) when I get a good side view seeing alot I guess when she is sitting down. It is like around my way here in Queens. There is a woman I see on the train almost once a week and now that is hot she wears very loose fitting pants and a thong apparently. She is not that hot but when we got off the same stop in most cases I know I will see a show when she walks down the stairs. I think she is from the islands maybe Guyana. Her butt is big massive kind of big but not exactly shapely but when we are walkin down the stairs together you see maybe more that 1/4 of her ass (it is like a car accident, I just can't look away) It still depends on the girl though in most cases . No nasty "granny panties" though either.

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