Friday, May 15, 2009


they took errrr jerrrbbbsss

1) (917): East Village: Only place you can play pac man while eating a pineapple hotdog, go to the bar next door and see a graphic blowjob on every tv

2) 910): wow wtf my bar tab was 80 dollars

3) (917): Come with me and I'll find you a girl. What's your type?
(212): Vagina

4) (614): She said I could do whatever I wanted to her. I pumped for 20 seconds, apologized, rolled over and passed out. I sit directly across from her at work. Awkward?

5) (408): carls jr on main st. japanese tourist taking a dump in the urinal. reading a japanese newspaper and wearing a full suit.
(415): be there in 3 mins

6) (617): I would do horrible things to your vagina.
(978): Prove it.

7) (901): After he came all over my face, he proceeded to give me a high five. I can't even act upset because I always put myself in these situations. Did I mention D3: Mighty Ducks was playing in the background?

8) (703): maybe you should take the dick out of your mouth before you start talking.
(859): i did. i'm using it as a microphone.

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